Faces of Coffee: Courtney

Courtney talks to us about her quarter life crossroads: Coffee as an alternative career

“Eight months ago, as a budding HR professional, I truly enjoyed working with people and for people. I had the opportunity to interact with many employees and understand their needs, however most of the time I did this through a computer. When I needed a break and someone to chit chat with, I was fortunate enough to be able to pop by my favorite cafe across the road, Glasshouse. It was there that I experienced true hospitality, friendship and of course, great coffee. I always had a lovely experience at Glasshouse as a customer, so I began to toy with the idea of being on the opposite end of the bar.

Alas, I took that leap of faith and began my journey in the coffee industry, and Glasshouse was a fantastic beginning to my journey as a barista. I learnt the ins and outs of extraction, secret latte art techniques, how to deliver exceptional customer service and most importantly, how to enjoy and love my work.

Needless to say, I have never looked back. As I train for the upcoming National Barista Championships, I am slowly discovering the vast world of coffee one step at a time, and it has a been truly exhilarating journey. Regardless of where I currently am working at, I will be sure to share not just amazing coffee with my customers, but a genuine connection and a conversation as well”


Faces of Coffee -  

Author Byron Lim / Category Faces of Coffee / Published: Feb-10-2019


Faces of Coffee - Marvx Coffee

Author Byron Lim / Category Faces of Coffee / Published: Mar-23-2019